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The Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Cameroon (APTIC) brings together translators and interpreters of Cameroon.It has several members working at the national level as well as in the diaspora. APTIC aims at promoting the interests of translators and interpreters in Cameroon. 


In 1976, the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) adopted the recommendation on the protection and improvement of the legal and social status of translations and translators at the Nairobi General Conference. Moreover, the Translators charter amended in 1994 spells out the rights and duties of translators and recommends the principles of its organization to association. APTIC works closely in time with these two key documents to promote the interests of translators and for interpreters in Cameroon and across the globe.

APTIC was founded in 1994 in Yaounde. It was officially recognized on 27th March 1995 and launched on 24 April 1998. It is governed by Law No. 901059 of 16 December 1990 on freedom of association. The objectives of APTIC include promoting professional ethics among its members and ensuring good quality translation and interpretation.

The association comprises active members, some of whom are affiliated to similar associations like the International Association of Conference Translators (AITC) and the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)

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